

It’s the last year of Titular Head for me and that means that I have gots to win again. Bare Aspirations did well, but it may have also ruin all chances any of us would have of running for political office. So this movie is going to be nude-free. Morgan and I are working really hard on it and expect a link to the video after the show. Until then, SCREENSHOTS!


Comments (4) left to “Movies!”

  1. Ben wrote:



    Also, I can only speculate to what it’s about…. but I can bet that latch opens up to something fancy.

  2. pthompso wrote:

    And that knife looks way too good to be using as a prop out in a field somewhere!

  3. Allison wrote:

    im confused. is this a movie that you are making? looks great! (whats titular head??? )

  4. patrick wrote:

    Allison, Titular head is just the name of grinnell’s student film festival, and the frames are from a movie we’re working on.