My ridiculous new hobby, and a possible TEAM UP!?

So, I’ve developed a new hobby.  It’s pretty dumb, and Katie had a helping hand in developing it.

I don’t have any pets, but lots of people I know do.  So, I like to sit around when I’m bored and think about if I had pets, what would I name them?  I’ve thought long and hard about it, and I decided I didn’t want any tool names like “Fluffy”, “WoofWoof” or “Spot” (even though it is a keen ST:TNG reference).  No no no.  I want my pet to be on the cutting edge of cool.  Or at least, what I define as cool.  I want to name my pets after famous communists.

If I got a cat?  “Chairman Meow” gives orders, and won’t take any back talk.

A puppy? “Karl Barx” is totally ready for fetch the proletariat.

When my sister was lil’ she always wanted a pony.  I’d name him “Trot-sky”, and he’d be a stomper of bourgeois thought.

If I was on a farm, and had me a cow?  “Moo Jintao” would be president of the dairy club!

Don’t forget the boss of barnyard, “Deng Xiaopig”.  He’s open to new ideas.

Sometimes people have really exotic pets.  Like bears.  They don’t show mercy.  That’s why my bear would be named “Josef Maulin”.

And don’t forget that nasty nazi of the cage, “Goebbels the Gerbil”.  He’s known to dress up real pretty sometimes.


I’m still working on Lenin.  I’ve got ideas, but none are really thrilling me.  Also, here’s the thing, if any of you artistically inclined Shambot!-keteers are bored this summer and would be into designing any of these guys, I think that’d be keen.  We could even write a short story about them!  A good idea? Not really, but these are the things I think about in class when I’m bored.  Oh yeah.  I’m super cool.

Happy graduation to everyone doing so!

Comments (10) left to “My ridiculous new hobby, and a possible TEAM UP!?”

  1. patrick wrote:

    If you ever start a Siegfried and Roy rip off tiger magic show you could title it Friedrich’s Bengals.

  2. Chance wrote:

    MOO JINTAO!!!!! Those are hilarious.

  3. Chance wrote:

    Fido Castro?

  4. Chance wrote:

    Ho Cheese Minh. The rebellious mouse, known to dig tunnels deep under the rice patties of his jungle home.

  5. Alex wrote:

    Theres this BritCom that I used to watch as a kid (and love even more now that I get the sex jokes/cute married couple adult situations.) Long story short this couple kept chickens, and their rooster, who was quite a pill (as far as roosters go) was named Lenin. Granted theres no pun involved, but any animal named Lenin will forever remind me of a rooster.

  6. Emma wrote:

    I’m thinking we need a female character to balance out all the boyshutffs going on here. But I don’t really know of any female dictators?

    (p.s. recaptcha this time was “scholarly frothing”, yum)

  7. Katie (Jones) wrote:

    I will always think these are the coolest pet names ever created. You are amazing. I think Chairman Meow will forever be my favorite. I just picture such a fussy and strange looking cat whenever I say it. Trot-sky is a close second, because it’s just so damn cute.

  8. patrick wrote:

    not to bust bubbles, but Chairman Meow is like a t-shirt company.

  9. Katie (Jones) wrote:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Although they do look pretty nice. I also really chuckled at that Viva the Bukkit! one. Goddamn though, I hate thinking you have a creative idea only to find out someone else has not only thought of it before you, but founded a business on it.

  10. Tim wrote:

    I found out last night some else already named their dog Karl Barx. I wept a lil’ but then remembered I still had 3 others that until someone else ruins my day, were maybe creative for 12 minutes.