2 (two) things


Robert Rauschenberg died last night. It’s always sad to see an artist you read about in any big survey art history book dying, but at least he had a pretty sweet life.

I must have been looking hawt today or something, because the guy at Hark’s let me use my card on a less than $4 purchase, AND the guy at McDonald’s (yes I went there for dinner by myself, okay? SHUT UP) told me I looked too good to eat there. Nice. Plus a small fry and a double cheeseburger are $2.14…. SO CHEAP!! I obviously need to buy groceries, but I’m waiting till Katie and I move into our new LOVEDEN. ooh.

“If you don’t have trouble paying the rent, you have trouble doing something else; one needs just a certain amount of trouble. ”

Comments (3) left to “2 (two) things”

  1. Alex wrote:

    Looking hawt in sketchy places is always interesting. A few weeks ago the cashier at walmart (a lady in her mid 30’s) said I had a handsome smile. Didn’t know what to say to it.

    Double Cheesburger+Small Fry=Good Date With Self. It’s nothing to ashamed of.

    Also, my recaptcha is “near clubs”. First time I’ve ever had one that is a proper sentence segment.

  2. Allison wrote:

    oh yeah? mine is “another human.” thats a good one.

  3. Ninth wrote:

    Mine is gutter attorney :) These seem to be making a strange amount of sense