mail call

This is my identity that Bill designed with some help from me! Soon I will be sending these out to media studios/firms around town. Yay!

My Demo Reel Mailer! from bthompson on Vimeo.

Comments (5) left to “mail call”

  1. Emma wrote:

    What a fantastic little video. FER CUTE. Halfway through I was like “hey.. wait a minute… someone is holding the dvd and someone ELSE is holding the camera… GENIUS!!”

  2. Tim wrote:

    So, as an artist, it’s totally cool to solicit yourself for work? Is this like prostitution? That said, that setup is PRETTY COOL.

  3. Steven wrote:

    Looks great! Good luck with the job search!

  4. Evan wrote:

    how come everything you guys touch is gold?

    today, my recaptcha said “wednesday lifeblood”
    the font they use made it look pretty believeably like the graphics for a terrible band.

  5. Joel wrote:


    I asked Bill to do mine, he said “that’s your job!”

    Then Chance asked Bill and he said “I’m supposed to do that.”