You Are Special

So here’s what I’ve been working on. Its not done yet, but i wanted to preview the idea and see what people think. for some reason Ive been doing this on my own instead of making comics. So here’s the idea, and to whet your apetite, here’s an image:

cute baby robot
i couldnt get the image uploader to work for some reason, so i html’d it in. anyway, cute right? well what if i told you he was mad using a library of parts? like the arms are one bit, the eyes, the mouth, body, head doodle, antenna thing, all diferent pre-made parts. and theres a ton more all referencing real electronic/mechanical parts. whats more, what if you could download the library for yourself and submit your own cute little robots to be displayed all together on a site somewhere on the internets? would you guys be into that?

oh also, ive been trying to think of what to call them. i just started scriblin down some stuff and i got “Microbots”,”Tinkerbots”,”Robobots”,”Doodlebots”, then i started thinking like more transformer-y robo-war kinda thing and i kind of like “Probots vs. Negatrons” or “Protrons vs. Negabots”.


Comments (5) left to “You Are Special”

  1. Joel wrote:

    This is awesome! I would be very interested in this.


  2. Emma wrote:

    If you and Joel could COLLABORATE and turn it into an online program, so you wouldn’t have to download something in order to put it together… that would be awesome. Then you could submit it easily from the application and everything!!

  3. Naomi Osborn wrote:

    I think that’s an awesome idea. I like Emma’s suggestion too about turning it into a program so you wouldn’t have to download something in order to play.

    I think “Tinkerbot” and “Probots vs. Negatrons”

    xo! naomi

  4. Joel V wrote:

    I’m pretty sure microbots has been used and Probot is a band. But the idea is massively entertaining.

  5. Evan wrote:

    oh, well joel, i havent thought to hard about the name, but id gladly take suggestions. Emma, this is somethingi was already thinking, but with my limited flash knowledge, I knew I wasn’t the man for that job, but, Joel, if you’re interested, I’d love your help! I would however like a means of screening the submissions so an auto submitter is fine, but an auto uploader, maybe not. ANYWAY, I have to actually finish designing it first. right now i have like 150 or so various peices.