The Curious State Of Affairs Of Which We Are In.
Please, do sit down.
Today, I’d like to talk to you about something very near and dear to me, that is, the state of Iowa. Now, I’m sure you think you know all about it and what not, but lets just stop for a second and talk things through.
Did you know Iowa was the world’s number 1 producer of methane gas last year?
You didn’t? Well, that’s because it’s not true.
That’s right, I just made it up. Why? Because I can.
Now that I am certain that you trust me and every word that leaves the dank hole in my face that I call my mouth, let me again tell you many words of truth that I intend for you to ingest via your ears where it will reside in your auditory complex until such time that you deem it utter gold, and follow me into the brave new tommorrow.
Confused? DON’T BE!
Everything will be just dandy as long as you continue reading these words. Like this word over here. I call it “Superlativetacularness”. Pretty sweet, huh? I’ve got lots like that. One of which (though I shouldn’t tell you as I’ve yet to copyright it) is “convincement”. I know, I know, you’re saying “those aren’t real words”. Techincally you’re right, but they will be and once I’ve got the copyright for them, I will be sitting in giganticularamous piles of sweet coin. I’m gunnin’ for quarters, but I’ll settle for dimes. Or half dollars. Oooooh or Sacageweas! Now that’s some shiny currency!
Where was I?
Iowa! A state! A place! A place in which you have a state of mind!
Many of us on the Shambot can remember what it was like growing up in the urban part of rural states. It was confusing! I’m sure all of us can remember getting Guff from some sophisticated suburbanite when upon the parlaying of background information. Distinctly upon the very moment we revealed that we were from a predomniately agrarian society. But forlorn was I! I grew up on no farm! I was a city boy, raised amongst the automobiles and elderly; obviously more akin to the robot than the moo-cow. Of course, this didn’t mean I didn’t spend my summers on my grandmothers farm picking pickles (or cucumbers, if you prefer the latin!) slaving away in the hot sun for a respectable wage (she was my granny after all).
Yet upon our many journeys from here to there, upon saying the very name of my homeland, I could see in the mind’s eye of my partner in conversing a switch, a snap, an unstoppable reflex that would soon be sputtered forth, “What, the place with all the corn?”.
“Yes. The place with all the corn.”
Dashed are the dreams! Squashed are the fantasies! Now I am but a farmlad in their eyes! A “cow man” (as I’ve heard them called) done up in denim and plaid, hoping to rope me a cow, and find me a pretty lady upon completion of the 8th grade to be my Mrs. In truth though, that would not be the worst. The worst would be the response, “What, the place with all the potatoes?”. I can understand the need for a quick stereotypic memory by which to describe certain aspects of the vast continental US. But please, oh sweet lord above, help them remember that Idaho is good for potatoes, Iowa, for corn, and if not corn, Piggies or Quaker Oats.
I wish I had something important to say, but I don’t. My iPod just shuffled off it’s mortal coil, and I just thought I’d write a lot while on the job.
Enough ludicrousness, here’s the haps in the IC:
Sam and I have finished filming our new pilot. We have to edit the first episode, finish the next script and summarily shoot it in the following weeks. Joy!
I’m not really sure how this semester is going to turn out grade wise. That’s a touch scary.
Steven and I are going to go see a rediculous horror film this week (an insidious “prequel” to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or TCM). I am excited!
Hope all have a lovely week!