Spare-Time Art

This is pretty much what I do when I’m at work, but I don’t have any blacks to fill or panel boarders to draw or other high-class business to conduct. I work on my own things. Today, that mostly meant doodling. I worked on my proposal too, but I’ve pretty much promised myself that when I get any idea I like, I’m gonna capture it somehow. Today they flowed out from some divine mind-spring. This first one was inspired from the lunch-time conversation, “Where’s Molly?”


molly isn't impressed by her large selection of earl greys

Molly is Hope and Bryan’s cat (1 of 4) and she’s tiny, feisty, and boxy. She also has a stump-tale and I love her to pieces.

next are two more four-panel movie doodle comics SPOILER ALERT: they give away obvious endings…


hulk just want peace

visual candy I plan on making more. If anyone can do an Indiana Jones one, please try. Also, if you think you can do a movie that I’ve done better, give it a shot. Hopefully, I’ll see Wanted this weekend and I’ll have some fresh ammo. I have no idea where this last one came from, but I want to do more in his universe. This might make a dope t-shirt. I’m already doodling another character that’s making me giggle…

he's just being a baby

this even isn’t everything I drew today, I think I might make another post soon.

Comments (2) left to “Spare-Time Art”

  1. Ben wrote:

    Um, I think I need that belt in your last drawing, because it is my initials, and awesome.

  2. Evan wrote:

    WOW, I didn’t even notice that. its supposes to be pronounced like “beat” but I don’t know how well that came off.