For Tim…

…and the rest of the kids of Coolsville.

I found this guy sitting outside of where I work. I think he wanted a snack.

Comments (5) left to “For Tim…”

  1. Alex wrote:

    Back at ol’ Bemidji State University there was a Mystery Machine in the Birch Hall parking lot for most of my Junior and (1st) Senior year. The paint job wasn’t nearly as clean and it was more of a utility van, but still props for standing out.

  2. Tim wrote:

    Joel, I love this. God help me, I do. Thank you, sir.

  3. Emma wrote:

    A scooooby snack, ROOBY ROOOOO

  4. Allison wrote:

    DUDE this is totally the van that lives in south minneapolis that you used to be able to see from Hwy 62 (but now you can’t because they put up the sound barrier)!! Aw, I missed it…

  5. Emma wrote:

    Wait… what about the Justice League van? Wasn’t that one on 62? I REMEMBER THE FLASH AND WONDER WOMAN!!