Moving to New York (and other crap)

Woah hey, SO! I just bought a one-way plane ticket to New York, leaving October 8th. I’ve got a sublet all setup out there and enough money saved up to not have a job for awhile, should push come to shove. I’m getting more and more contacts out there so I think that things will even out. Also, it will be much easier to find a job if I’m actually in the city and when people “could you come in to talk?” I won’t have to say “Oh, actually I’m in Minneapolis right now.” Soo… that’s happening. Finally.

Also, I just False 3D in Flash: Displacement Maps">posted this over at my mostly because it was more work-related than anything. Plus, does anyone here really care about displacement maps in ActionScript 3? I won’t be offended if you say no!

BUT, something you should care about (and have probably noticed) is that Shambot’s got some new polish! Centered, cool-gray background, flash header. Yes, my friends, this is e-paradise with a touch of class. I will be posting something more in depth about the header and how it came about.

Also, I played Call of Duty 4 with Tim on Xbox Live last night! Fun city! It’s always more fun to play with people you know. There was lots of “Go on without me!” and “Damn it I won’t leave you!” Good times all around.

Here’s a video of the last year of my life compressed into three minutes and ten seconds.

August 7, 2007 – September 13, 2008 from Joel Gillman on Vimeo.

Comments (3) left to “Moving to New York (and other crap)”

  1. Steve wrote:

    Joel, that’s huge!
    Best of luck to you out there!
    I am tremendously sad I didn’t visit you all in Minneapolis more than I did. Putting things off continues to be a disappointing way of life.

    But… after you make it and start pocketing the mad-Flash-stacks, I’ll visit you in NYC and stay at your place. Not until you’ve got at least one jacuzzi tub though- ROOF TOP PENTHOUSE OR GTFO/GFY.

  2. Patrick wrote:

    Best of Luck in NYC Joel! I really want to play xbox Live with you sometime. I wanted to play last night but I had an unfinished problem set.

    Tim was talking about starting up a band on RB2. Interested?

  3. Lindsey wrote:

    wow… that’s a killer list of awesome things…
    congrats, Joelie!