Bitch, This Ain’t No Cutscene!

I don’t know how many gamer readers we have out there… Oh wait, yeah I do. But this is very entertaining. I almost said hilarious, but I’m not sure if that’s the right word. For me, this video brought back fond memories of RE4 and how awesome it was.

Which reminds me: whiles we were in Cedar Rapids, I had a little time to hangout with the CR gang minus Ben and Bill. It was a little strange being around a group of people who all have known eachother for quite some time, BUT since they are all awesome, it wasn’t a problem. Good times were had; Tim reminded me of our own short little RE4 story.

This was last year, Evan and I were drunk (I can’t remember if Emma was there). I was playing RE4 and they were watching, because it’s so awesome. AWEsome. aweSOME. Then I killed El Giganté in one shot (or was it two) shots. Evan gave me the biggest high five ever, but that’s wasn’t enough for me. I had to call up Tim in CR to tell him of my incredible feat. And I did, and he remember. Daw.

Comments (3) left to “Bitch, This Ain’t No Cutscene!”

  1. Colin wrote:

    That was very funny and I laughed a lot! It’s funny because it’s true! There were so many zombies!

  2. Emma wrote:


    Dude, I was so there! I specifically remember you having trouble walking straight IN THE GAME. Ironic. I don’t remember you calling Tim, though. Hah.

    Also, that may have been the same night I got stuck on the pole.

  3. Timmy wrote:

    So it’s like 1am, and I’m hangin’ with the dudes, and all of a sudden, my celly is a rumbly-bumbly in my pocket. Well who could that be at this late hour? Why, it’s JOEL!

    “What’s up buddy”
    “Dude. I just- I just killed El Gigante in like 2 shots.”
    “That’s awesome!”
    “I know. Oh, I gotta go, y’know. ZOmbies.”
    “Go get ‘em tiger!”

    Made my freakin’ night. I mean honestly. It’s EL GIGANTE. He dun’ take no for an answer.