Taking a Break
I realise that taking a break from my work at 3:22 in the AM to post what I’m doing is kind of dumb because no one will read it until the morning anyways. BUT here it is, I just wanted to do something that was not what I’ve been doing all night for a bit. Here’s what I’m working on right now (as an animated GIF because I think they look sexy):
I was messing around with the motion tracker that’s build into After Effects, but it wasn’t as good as I would have liked it to be… So I ended up doing the tracking all by hand, frame by frame. Though it’s a lot of work, it looks great! Since I’m listening to music at the same time it’s very meditative.
When I was walking to the school (at 10:00 PMish) a leaf blew past me on the ground. I thought, “I wish I were that leaf. Then I could just let the wind carry me all the way to school.” But then it occured to me that I might not be able to stop if a car was coming, or even stop at the school. Then the the wind changed direction and the same leaf blew past me the other way and I thought, “How great is it, not to be a leaf.”
Emma wrote:
Thus is the draw of the blog – you can write something down at three in the morning knowing full well that all the sleeping childrens can read it when they get up.
That is a sweet vijo, my friend. I like it lots! I wish it was slower, though, it’s hurting my eyes. However once it’s a full video I’m sure that won’t happen. It’s just the repetition and whatnot. BUT REALLY COOL.
Posted on 31-Oct-06 at 11:50 am | Permalink