New Project
Hey dudes and dudettes,
The other night I was looking through old archive stuff from computers’ past, and I came across a folder with some photos in it. A lot of photos, actually. In fact, it contained EVERY photo I’ve posted on my blog for 3 years. I’m calling this project: EVERY PHOTO I HAVE POSTED FROM OCTOBER 15, 2003 – DECEMBER 16, 2005. Clever, I know. I’m almost positive that these are all pictures that I posted back on the ol’ Conclave Project. For those of you who don’t know, it’s the group blog us Iowans had before Shambot came along.
So, now I’m trying to figure out a way to put all of these photos onto a website so everyone can look back and enjoy the memories. Did I mention there are 835 photos? I didn’t? Well, there are. That’s about a 1 picture per day average, which is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. It makes me sad that I don’t have a camera now to post one picture every day. IMAGINE ALL THE PICTURES OF CATS!! I would have to physically try to NOT take pictures of cats, which I’m not sure I’m entirely capable of.
Well regardless, I’m probably going to have to figure out Automator or find some way to… automate the building of the website, because hand-coding 835 images is not something I would like to do. But damn, it would be rewarding… maybe I will do it by hand…
Well, I did it: ALL PHOTOS
I used iWeb (sorry, Joel), and it was disturbingly easy. It’s not pretty or anything, but it’s functional, and that’s all that matters. I had to split it up into two pages, which you can navigate to at the top of the site. They’re all in chronological order, which I had to do by dragging them in one by one. For some reason when I drug in more than one, it would make up some arbitrary order to put them in. It’s also got some fancy slideshow navigation business that was built in to iWeb. I commend anyone who can sit through all 835 pictures. I think it might be a little over an hour.
patrick wrote:
Neat! I remember really enjoying those photos. I hope they are as good as I remember them
Posted on 04-Mar-09 at 10:00 pm | Permalink
Emma wrote:
Posted on 05-Mar-09 at 8:46 am | Permalink
Allison wrote:
NO DONT DO IT BY HAND. Emma’s right.
Also, in addition to all of the cute wittle kitties, think of all of the cute wittle boy faces from as far back as 2003 that we will see! SO MANY BABIES!
Posted on 05-Mar-09 at 10:42 am | Permalink
Joel wrote:
“automate the building of the website”
That’s my job. If you want a hand I would love nothing more than to help you.
Also, I would love to see ALL of these pictures C:
Posted on 06-Mar-09 at 9:22 am | Permalink
Tim wrote:
Wow dude. That was really cool, and I’m very glad you put them up. There’s a lot of interesting flashbacks and deja vu experiences I had while going through them of all the years that have gone by (and the hair styles!).
(So did I!)
Oh and for those that were curious, I totally won the arm wrestling match with Sam. I think.
Awesome stuff Ben.
Posted on 06-Mar-09 at 2:56 pm | Permalink
Steve wrote:
I’m pretty sure anyone remotely connected to those photos appreciates your work. Nice one, Ben!
Posted on 07-Mar-09 at 11:25 am | Permalink
Bill wrote:
So many moments to cherish, and so many moments to regret (good god, my hair
). I’m glad you put all these up though. Maybe you should start taking photos again and keep adding!
I have to say though, good job aging everyone. I think we all look much cooler now than we did before. We did it! Hopefully we can say that in the years to come.
Posted on 09-Mar-09 at 10:16 am | Permalink