
This is a cool thing: http://www.atomictoy.org/365dudes/

It’s a blog by a guy who draws a different character every day. SEE IF YOU CAN NAME THEM ALL!

There is some cool stuff on his regular website, too.

Comments (4) left to “Dude-a-Day”

  1. Evan wrote:

    i came accross this guy a while back and have been thinking about doing something similar just to keep me making stuff. also I have no idea who that duck is.

  2. Emma wrote:

    yapapa yapapa, you’re not good for me!!!

  3. Chance wrote:

    yappapa yappapa

  4. Emma wrote:

    also this guy obviously needs to be our friend. here are his thoughts on the new katamari:

    “i came, i rolled, i lol’d.”

    HE NEEDS TO BE OUR FRIEND. Him and Parry “Hamster on a Piano” Gripp