I have so much homework, and yet I work on stuff like this instead. It’s for the art sale! I think this is turning into a series, “words of advice” maybe?
Did I mention that this is probably my favorite piece of art I’ve ever made? Well it is. I want everything that I make in the future to have a resemblance to this illustration.
Angie wrote:
Um, ok Bill.
So, here is the deal. I love this. And I love stay calm.
And, I want you to make more. And, I want to buy these all.
I also don’t want to be greedy. So, here is the deal, k?
You need to scan these all before selling them at the art sale (because, of COURSE, they will sell). So, when they sell, I will pay for the prints of them, for me.
but, if on the chance that they dont sell, (or, I just give up and buy them out from under the noses of all of those rich-folk) I will buy the originals.
OK? Got that? I want them
And I love you for it.
Did that sound a little pushy? It might have. But I mean it in the best possible way. *heart*
Posted on 08-Nov-06 at 11:51 pm | Permalink
Tim wrote:
Bill, I’ll cut you a better deal, a deal of the “Price is Right” style.
Whatever Angie will pay you, put 1$ atop that.
That is the price I will pay to have lovely Bill and Ben work adorn my walls, and smite Angie in the process (who though, we’ve never met, I’m sure is a wonderful person who certainly doesn’t deserve such a dastardly dealing)
HAHA! Evilness is fun!
Posted on 10-Nov-06 at 4:00 am | Permalink
Bill wrote:
I can print out an extra piece for anyone who wants one? Friends get free things!
…unless you want to buy one from the art sale, that would be okay too.
Posted on 11-Nov-06 at 3:30 am | Permalink