Here’s what I do at work!
Hey Shambot! I realize it’s been awhile, and well, sorry about that! I’ve missed you for sure. But mostly, I’m just to damn boring to post regularly…
But, here’s something that is fun. We had our first ‘backyard’ outting at work (we have a backyard now! It’s mostly just a parking lot with trash in it, but that’s besides the point). For context, HTDig is a type of ‘in-site’ search that kills our servers each night. There is a collective hate among the techies. We just finished transferring all of our clients away from it, and here’s what we did to celebrate:
Joel wrote:
Bye bye nerd thing!
I suspect the same thing will happen when IE6 is finally dropped (probably circa 2034).
Posted on 14-Apr-09 at 12:35 pm | Permalink