Boop boop!

So, let’s recap. I went to the Tea ceremony. It was super cool, but i had to sit crosslegged for 2 and a half hours. Ouchies!

Then today I went to Ebisu with a few of my friends from the program. I went to the sapporo beer factory and had their beer sampler. It was delicious, but the factory was kindof small. Then someone knew someone who worked in a sushi restarant nearby so we went there and had some delicious sushi. After that Murphy wanted to go to the World’s only Parasite Museum. We went. It was gross. I saw an 8.8 meter tapeworm. I regretted eating raw fish.


Comments (3) left to “Boop boop!”

  1. Emma wrote:

    AUGH. Tapeworms are like my worst enenmy. I hope I never have one.

  2. Timmy wrote:

    Dude, I kinda wish I had a lil’ munster livin’ in my rooty-ba-tooty, ’cause then, even in the dark dark night, I’d never be alone! Me and ma tape worm pally would party in those woods ’till the break-o-dawn!

  3. Joel wrote:

    WHOA! That’s a huge tapeworm! Sounds like you had fun otherwise, I’ve never been in a beer factory before. Jealous!