Hey hey!

Ho ho!

All this jibba-jab has got to go!

Hey Hey!

Ho ho!

My spacing sucks, as does my flow!

I kid, I kid, or do I?  It’s 10:19 in the am and I am all jived up on the caffiene train!  And at work!  Double trouble!  What am I to do as I sit at this computer for the next 4 hours, pretending to be very busy (which I am most certainly not!)?  I can’t do homework, my boss for reasons or another frowns upon this!  What is a poor Timmy to do?  Write up stoopid things for his ever-lovin’ Shambot! friends?  BUT OF COURSE!

The closing launch of the Ps3 and the Wii has me in less than stitches.  I was in a Best Buy looking for a sweet copy of Guitar Hero II (in the end I got Gears of War, long story) as they began setting up the ps3 demo unit.  Many of the store clerks became distracted with sight of the shiny obsidian monolith, and Steven was curious to take a look as well.  Me?  I couldn’t care less.  I don’t even know why.  Normally such technological wonders demand my peepers for at least a moment or two.  Certainly had it been a Wii, I think I would have been at least riveted for a half hour to say the least.  But there is something about this next generation (with a few notable exceptions) that simply does not draw the inner nerd within me towards the gaming companies that wish to deprive me of cash and time.

This is not to insinuate I don’t like playing games.  Or buying them.  Much to my chagrin, I have purchased more games in the last 3 months than I have for the last year.  F.E.A.R., Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Double Agent, Gears of War, and god help me yet, Guitar Hero II were all titles that I had been anticipating for quite a while.  And then they all showed up, saying ever so gently, like a siren “Pay Up Sucker”.  And I did.  Even I don’t even know why, given that the ammount of free time I have now-a-days is slim and slimming.  Perhaps dreams of a delightfully dreary winter break?  Who knows…

To return to the notion of my lacking-luster in the next wave, I feel I should be more specific in my statements.  I have an xbox360.  For better, or for worse, I love the damn thing.  I hated my first x-box, but like sublyminol messaging (which I also hate for the record), it became a staple, a bastion of entertainment that for some reason my PS2 and Gamecube became unable to perform.  I didn’t play online with the xBox.  I didn’t watch DVD’s on it.  But I lanned it up, and I often had 4 folks over to party upon it.  Good times were had.  Many bad men were punchisized right in the kisser.  So for some reason or another, I bought a 360.  More people have been punched and my xbox and 360 have now played together (for fun fun cross-hallway shenanagins) now.  So what is it that is holding me back?

A lack of creativity is a trite answer that is clearly dismissed by my adoration of my DS and (hopefully in the not-too-distant future) the Wii.  Much credit should be given to Nintendo for taking a market that it has always had control of (Handhelds, and don’t insinuate that the PSP is winning that war, it isn’t.) and a market it once utterly dominated and has now fallen to the wayside (Console dreams have been shattered by lackluster n64 and GC sales) and totally reinnovated them in that “hot, sexy, and easy to get your friends who hate videogames to play” way.  But the PS3?  Blu-ray’s great, but I don’t have an HDTV or a need to pay more for movies.  Tilt feature is swell, but I know for a fact that 12 games will use it, and that will be the end of it (Eyetoy awesomeness anyone?).  In the end even a $500 price point (which I admit, is a goddamn steal for what the thing actually is) is too much for me.  Couple that with the fact that I STILL am having troubles wrapping my mind arround a $60 game (I go to Best Buy and see “Advertised for $59.99″ and ask, “And that’s some kind of a deal?”) and the heartbreaking need for at least 3 other controlers (I still haven’t bought more than an extra 1 for the 360.  Thanks Pat!).  Not to mention an UTTER LACK of any title in the launch or next year that demands purchase and what do we have?  A big, expensive fancy thing that I (and a sizeable chunk of the people I know) do not wish to own.  Further, the ongoing price increases in games (Sony’s PS President has insinuated that games could go up to $100, and DS games are slowly making the crawl to the $40 price mark) further disinterests me.  I’m not cheap, but I’m not that made o’dollars or time either. 

I dunno. 

Eitherway, according the Mii I made, I’m lookin good!  Mii am Timmy!

Happy birthday Joel!  And thanks to anyone who read this far, I realize I’m the ramblin’ type.

Comments (4) left to “PAY UP SUCKAS!”

  1. Joel wrote:

    A long post, but very insightfull.

    The price of games is getting ridiculous, what is a guy to do…

    Anyways: Sunday, here Wii comes!

  2. pat wrote:

    What $100 per game! That is ridiculous! I doubt people would own many games anymore. I still have a hard time shelling out 50, let alone 60 bucks for a vijea game. WAH!

  3. pat wrote:

    What $100 per game! That is ridiculous! I doubt people would own many games anymore. I still have a hard time shelling out 50, let alone 60 bucks for a vijea game. WAH!

  4. Ben wrote:

    Don’t worry Tim, prices will come down and eventually you’ll wind up having all three systems. I mean, honestly, who thought that you would end up getting all three consoles of THIS generation? Even WE have all three. It’s ridiculous!