Muh life

Things are going pretty good for me right now. My job is quite fun, and my coworkers are sweeties. I think a lot of my female managers have taken me on as a little brother figure because I already have two nicknames “Samadeus” and “Samson” (one manager constantly yells Samson! whenever I am working.) The paycheck is quite nice as well, and will get even better because I am getting espresso trained soon which means a RAISE!!

However, I sometimes wonder if I am working too much, since I have now started to call my girlfriend after drinks that we serve. Such as “my little swiss berry latte” or “mah little half-caf vanilla nut.”

As for next semester I am thinking about taking a basic drawing class, and a class on graphic novels where we read a bunch of them, and then make one. Not very impressive to mcadets (who can have actual comic art majors), I am sure, but it’d be a huge change of pace for me. Furthermore, I might be completely finished with my english major after this next semester.

Things I am looking forward to:
Tim’s 21st bday partay
Me and the GFs 1 year anniversary
Brock’s New Years Party

Since I feel as though I am losing some of my punk cred as I grow older, the only music I am going to be asking for for x-mas is old school punk albums.

Also, question to Joel-
If I am trying to post a pic that is enormous, how do I upload it so it has a thumbnail that people can click on for an enlargement, so I don’t fill up the entire shamby homepage?


Comments (1) left to “Muh life”

  1. Emma (B) wrote:

    So I know some of the MCADians might not know me… but I do have a name…
    As much as I love being your “insert random drink name here,” and “the GF” :)