introducing ms. emma trithart

a portrait of the artist in her 20th year

As per requested, I’m going to write a little bit about myself. This is no huge chore for me, either – like Tim, I lurv to write about myself. OHOHO.

Anywho, I go to MCAD and stuff, as suspected. I met JoBilBen kinda around the end of freshman year, and because I had Evan as an offering (here, look, someone to play video games with!) we became fast friends. I illustrate, and most enjoy illustrating (in no particular order):
(a) hands
(b) faces
(c) clothing
(d) birds
(e) letters (wtfbbq, we have computers for this now?!?! I can’t seem to get away from it.)
(f) monsters

I used to have a comic journal that I updated pretty much daily, but it fell to the wayside when I simultaneaously lost interest and realized that some of them only I understood. I might try to bring them back (either just uploading old ones or making new ones). We will see.

I like to blog about really banal and silly things, so don’t expect anything awesome, OKAY!?!?! Also please, now in payment for my own intro I want intros from everyone. EVEN YOU, BOYFRIEND.

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