here comes the jack-pot question in advance

That song just got stuck in my head last night, along with Olivia Newton John’s part in “You’re the One that I Want”. I’m not sure which is wierder, although it’s probably the former because it is nowhere near New Years Eve. I’m sorry, these details are boring and probably only interesting to me. ANYWHO.

As you may have noticed from Alli’s post, in some sort of freak accident I got into Made at MCAD? I put in my pieces about Tokyo, except for the Takashi Murakami one because I realized that I included an image in there that wasn’t Murakami’s. EMBARASSING. So, yeah. I’m still not sure how I feel about this year’s show – having one juror kinda throws me off balance. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy about getting in!!! But still not sure what to think… I wanted everyone to get in, I guess. Everyone except for the people that I don’t like. Is that so wrong?!??! IS IT!??!?!
btw, I am officially in love with the Linden Hills neighborhood. Bill is housesitting in those parts and it is my dream community. Everything is pretty, everything is tasty, it even has its own website. Something is very very right about that. I mean, god, if you need more convincing look at this picture. Cute little kids surrounded by flowers. What else could you ask for. (except I really don’t like little kids).

oh, p.s. my little image is from a rockin’ 1960s cookbook i took out from the library. It may or may not have inspired my last post’s title.

Comments (4) left to “here comes the jack-pot question in advance”

  1. Evan wrote:

    good job emma, you totally ruined the flow of patrick’s post with your fatty image! GEEZ!

  2. pat wrote:

    that’s okay, it is a cool picture.

  3. Allison wrote:

    TOTALLY. I thought/hoped that you had made it, and i just hadnt seen it yet… but alas.

    cupcakes are okay, i GUESS. (skellenger, im in love with YOU!!)

  4. Emma wrote:

    I’m the biggest jerk in the world! Image: fixed.