art attack!
I haven’t posted in a while. Not because I am lazy, but because I’ve been making what feels like an illegal amount of artwork. My drawing class for some reason turned into a painting class (which I’ve never had before), so teaching myself how to do figure/observational painting is taking a lot out of me. Not only because the painting is hard for me, but because the still lifes and homework assignments are boring and uninspired (it’s not 100% the teacher’s fault). Another problem is that half the kids in the class are idiots, but that’s a story for another day. In conclusion, being in that class is an insult to my intelligence.
Anyway, here’s some… things from my….
That’s a series called Ace, Surface, Face.
I don’t know if the deadline has passed for the beer label, but here is a sketch of my idea (which I’m also using for an assignment, shhhhhhh). It’s called Two Headed Beer. Do you get the pun? I’m not even sure if it is one…
Allison wrote:
this is for product illustrarion, right? for BEDSHEETS?!?! If it is, im so totally in love with them. the sheets.
Posted on 09-Mar-07 at 11:52 am | Permalink
Ben wrote:
I like the name Two Headed Beer a lot. I wonder if there would be a way to somehow have a two-colored head beer.
Posted on 09-Mar-07 at 3:17 pm | Permalink
Bill wrote:
It IS for bed sheets, and also for product illustration. It’s kind of weird to think of an image on a sheet set possibly being on a beer label. It would be like designer beer or something. Also, I kind of feel like it’s cheating that I’m using this drawing for two things. =\?
On a side note, my teacher, Lindsay, said she knows a woman who prints on fabric the size of bed sheets. So, I might actually get some printed if I like the way the design turns out.
Posted on 09-Mar-07 at 3:49 pm | Permalink