my life via visual magic

With the wonders of the cameraphone, I am able to show you what is going on in my life:

As you can see, my car just turned 100000, which means it’s halfway to dead. Also, I should get it checked up on, since I was supposed to around 4000 miles ago.

Then you can see a picture of a diagram to close a box, but I think it looks like a funny face. This was found during work when I was cleaning out “the dungeon”, which is just really old files that accounting needs to get rid of.

Then, it is the loveable Ernie, the dog that ruled bill an my life for the past two weeks. NOT ANYMORE, THOUGH! Housesitting is officially over, and we get to sleep in our own bed now, sweet jesus, yes.

Also, Tim and Steven and Sam are up here and we are having shennanigans full of fun. We saw 300 last night, and it was a completely mediocre movie, but was still entertaining to watch.

Comments (3) left to “my life via visual magic”

  1. Emma wrote:

    that box makes me giggle a BUNCH.

  2. Allison wrote:

    theyre gone by now arent they?

    i always miss the CR guys… somehow.

  3. Lindsey wrote:

    Seeing the 4 pictures makes your post all game-like…
    Maybe the phrase it makes is: “hurry up and box up that damn dog”
    or “fast, pre-packaged drool”

    or read backwards, its: “the ugly mini-storage slowdown”


    I don’t know what I’m saying.