Everybody Poops


Comments (5) left to “Everybody Poops”

  1. ben wrote:

    There is no try.

  2. Chance wrote:

    I just spent five minutes debating in my head the subtle differences between being “definitely cool” and “totally cool”. maybe i over think things.

  3. Evan wrote:

    im totally votin pink on all but the first one.

  4. Lindsey wrote:

    haha! my fav is Happy Passover: Thanks/What?

  5. Tim wrote:

    I laughed out loud. At work. You jerk.

    Which gave me an idea for such a question!

    “I do everything in my life”

    Pink: For Keeps!
    Green: For SPARTA!

    I’m torn, as one could do things for SPARTA! for keeps. Or vice versa. oh the clamaity!