Alright guys, I have a challenge for you…

Okay, in light of Bills “lets all do do something related and put it up for all to see” show proposal, I have a challenge for each and everyone of you shambies. POST SOMETHING REALLY EMBARASSING ABOUT YOURSELF. It can be a picture, a story, or some really bad art you did awhile ago or something. I think the idea for doing this came about when I ran across this picture of me from high school:


ILL START: For those of you that DONT know, I was a competitive cheerleader, none of that sissy yelling at the crowd shit. Naw, we was hard-CORE! Throwing people in the AIR, thats what IM talkin about. ANYwho… thats me on the far left, looking dumb at nationals. CLASSIC Alli face… I thought it was pretty funny.

P.S. And dont think I wont call you all out on this! Ill totally post something embarrasing FOR you if you dont. THIS IS FUN I SWEAR.

P.P.S. We should have a prize for whoevers is the most embarassing or something, you know, for like, incentive?

P.P.P.S. I think Angie should be exempt from this, you know cuz she DID already accidentally post her BOOB.

Comments (2) left to “Alright guys, I have a challenge for you…”

  1. Tim wrote:

    I will win this contest you have proposed. With any number of horrifying stories. Sam and Patrick, Ben and Maggie, anyone who’s been with me, can testify to the calamities that have befallen me. Prepare to cry, ’cause baby, the worst is yet to come. And that is a promise.

  2. Tim wrote:

    That came off a bit stronger that I’d intentioned. In my defense, I was drunk at the time. Never the less, at a yet to be named date, I shall indeed reveal a most embarassing secret!