watch the grow tomatoes!

okay, shambot. FINE. FINE. I’ll post. You are just there, with your little S! and red logo… calling me… calling me back. SO FINE. HERE. TAKE SOME ARTWORK. I don’t know what to do with it, just take it. I mean, I wasn’t really using it anyway. God.

death of a malesman

anywho, in reality I kind of like this. It’s for a theatre/music poster worskshop I’m taking, and it is actually the first time I’ve done photomontage like this before. Very interesting for me.. although I will admit that I totally EFFED up the “salesman” lettering, the “death” part probably did not need that much room. But I’m generally happy with it. Perhaps one day I will be making real posters for real theaters! That’s something I’m actually interested in!

In other news, I too won no monies. But I’m okay with it because everyone who won (in my department, at least) deserved it. No hard feelings. I’m just happy because Alli and Katie and I are totally going to live in a beautiful duplex come June and it will be the swingest Shambotian Household ever. That that, dooples, the dooplettes have come to roost.

Also yesterday was my brother’s birthday! I got the entire front of house staff at the CTC to sing happy birthday to him and my parents, and he told me he might come visit with our friend Rory in the summertime! Not many of you guys have met the little Trithart, but I think you will like him.

Also, start getting pumped for SES. It is coming.

OH p.s. Facebook deleted Genencor’s account. OUTRAGE.

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  1. Joel wrote: