welcome to playskool

There are some circuit bending workshops going on tomorrow morning at Intermedia Arts, so Ben, Joel and I are going! Ben and Joel already have experience bending of the circuits, but I have none. I hope it’s really fun.

To prepare for the event, Ben and I traveled to the amazing world of Savers. There were Dr. Huxtable sweaters as far as the eye could see, lovely china arrangments, and everything had a lovely stickiness to it, especially the children’s toy section, where we spent most of our time. See below:
guitarThe pianoTypingThe telephone


Welcome to Playskool. on Vimeo
Wish me luck at the next battle of the bands.

Comments (5) left to “welcome to playskool”

  1. Joel wrote:

    That video is really super awesome. I LOVE IT!

    Also, all of the stuff you guys got rules. Thanks a million.

  2. Emma wrote:

    I have to know what happened at the end!!!! Did Genencor knock over a glass or something?!?!? Best ending ever.

    But I do like that song. I wish I was good at everything like you.

  3. Angie wrote:

    AHhh! I love it. The 1-man playskool band. you will totally rock socks off!

  4. Steve wrote:

    I really like your face with the phone. That’s a total tech arbiter face. LOVE IT.

  5. patrick wrote:

    Bill! post pix of your shoes plz. k thx. lolz.