Rapture Rapes the Muses, and Other Such Excuses. . .
Things in Iowa have been more or less keeping up the status Q as of late, which has left yours truly with a depressing lack of things to write about. I don’t specifically create anything of note (other than improvised song that make Katie smile, Brandon cringe, and Steven so upset that he won’t talk to me for moments afterwards) and as such, don’t have any nifty pictures or videos to share. Heartbreak. Sam, Steven, Emma, Brock, and myself finished the fourth (and possibly) final episode of “BEST ROOMATES FOREVER!” which may very possibley some day in the near-but not too near-distant future be seen on the megawebs. The script has been included for your bored but not-so-bored-that-I’ll-read-10-pages enjoyment.
Other than that, what does the future hold for your faithful Iowa Squadron Supreme? Lots and lots of stuffly nothings. With the semester here coming to a close in terrifyingly rapid succession (3 weeks and we’re out), the quest for summer projects and fun is on. Joel and Evan have informed me that they have recently purchased (or will be purchasing) 360’s, and Steven and I have completed as of yesterday our Quest for Wii’s, which started at 4:30am and will be discussed later. In short, I’ve a terrifying prema-vision that this will be a vidja-game-summa. But then again, that kinda goes without saying, eh? EH? Eh.
patrick wrote:
Link doesn’t work!
Posted on 23-Apr-07 at 4:36 pm | Permalink