The chicagraphers came up with something called the PHOTO March Madness! Its just like basketball, only nothing like it at all! Hilarious! Who will be your Final Four? Mine are Andreas Gursky, Nan Goldin (I know, I know, but I have a thing for her right now), Hiroshi Sugimoto, and Diane Arbus (a staple). Now I know a lot of you out there in Shambi-Land aren’t familiar with a lot of photographer historic and contemporary, but I though it was such a cool thing that I had to show you guys. Alec posted it on his blog months ago, but I just got around to deciding recently. ITS HARD TO CHOOSE THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHERS EVER. If any of you all are bored at any time, I would encourage you to take a look on good ol’ Google Image Search for these guys and familiarize yourself… maybe even choose a Final Four!


Comments (2) left to “CHICA-GRAPHERS?!?”

  1. brock wrote:

    My final four: (in no particular order) Hockney, Wall, Soth, LaChapelle… Wall would probably win due to size and vivid backlit transparencies.

  2. Allison wrote:

    they ARE pretty impressive… have you ever seen them in EXHIBITION?