UGH! A terrible round thing!
Oh man. Thanks to one of my favorite co-workers (they’re all my favorite, really), I now have in my hot little hands the first season of FRAGGLE ROCK.

Seriously, guys. Laugh your cares away, worries for another day, etc. etc. Fraggle Rock is JUST as amazing as I remembered it, which is more than I can say for some other stuff from my childhood. There is some really funny stuff going on, and geez-o pete if there isn’t 500 gazillion muppets EVERYWHERE all of them movin’ around and stuff. I’m looking forward to watching the special features. Also, the music is REAL GOOD. I’ve decided that I want to start a Fraggle Rock cover band, and we will sing all the Fraggle Rock songs in a kind of Rilo Kiley-esque style. This one especially. Love ittt.
Summer’s going pretty well so far. I’m working a lot, although this week not so much, since Alli and I thought we would be in New York. Sigh.
p.s. while trying to find a video of rock-a-doodle, I found this little gem. Don Bluth, you are a cheezball, but dizzAMN, your animation is amazing.
Chance wrote:
I want to be in your fraggle kiley (rilo rock?) band. I want to be in it real bad.
I thought I was the only one my size in the whooole world!
Posted on 22-May-07 at 6:11 pm | Permalink