Im leaving on a jet plane…
I am on my way home (from home -pdx- to home -msp) folks!
I sit on the airport floor sending, basking in the glory of free wi-fi in an airport, what an awesome concept. I am only *slightly* sick, and am not looking forward to a flight when suffering from a sinus infection, but I will survive with sufficient drugging. I will be happy to no longer be ill. My ribs are hurting from coughing so damn much.
Friends. Summer will be awesome. The fun shall continue. We will have a great time.
**I apologize for the confusion (joel) I am home in Minneapolis.
Joel wrote:
Have a good time! See you when you get back for SES?
Posted on 30-May-07 at 12:50 pm | Permalink
Allison wrote:
no. joel. shes getting BACK. now. she is home… silly.
Posted on 31-May-07 at 12:34 am | Permalink