
Man, is this an old picture. I’ve been filling in more squares in my sketchbook. I think I’ll post a compilation of those soon.

Good things:
– Mark Mallman was by definition the most rockin-est concert I’ve ever been to.
– I just ate some delicious dinner consisting of pasta, pasta sauce, peppers, onions, tomatoes, and chicken.
– I’m probably never going to have homework in my Lighting class.
– I found Joel’s Tetris DS and started playing it again. It is still the best game ever made.
– Bill and I (maybe Joel) will be down at least twice during October. Once on the weekend of the 5th for the Architecture in Helsinki concert and also to hold auditions for my movie. Once during the weekend of the 20th to actually SHOOT my movie (holycrapimsonervousihopeicangetitdoneinoneweekend).
– It’s been around 55ยบ this past week.
– The Black and White ball is this Friday.

Bad things:
– We won’t get to see Patrick because he will be in the land of schoolgirls and mobilesuits.
– It’s getting warmer outside.
– I have to get up ridiculously early on Saturday to go assist in the shooting of exterior locations for my internship.
– The Black and White ball is the night before Saturday. Staying up late does not mix well with getting up early.
– I ate too much dinner and now I an uncomfortably full.

The new iTunes is crazy, but their movies are not formatted for TVs.

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