I hope…

….I speak for you all when I saw that I am loving the plate fight. Just saying…
any way, this lovely message means that I am done with the internship conference meaning that I am tired but happy. And also that we have had a very consuming party this evening, meaning that although I have been home for over an hour, I am still very drunck. I am hoping that the drunk will wear off soon so that I can sleep some. I have to go back to work tomorrow. boo.

Also, I have had a very frustrating day with good old MCAD. I dislike the accounting office and their dumb procedures. I almost didn’t graduate on schedule today because of their dumb things. As if I wasn’t busey enough already today to need to deal with mone that I dont have.

ok, seriouslly angie, don’t drink and type. I will be sane soon!! for SES cometh and the drinketh don’t fly.

PS: I have adopted a new big brother, it is really quite a funny story, I should tell you all some time. In the meantime, I wont.


Comments (4) left to “I hope…”

  1. Tim wrote:

    Or drink and drive.

  2. Allison wrote:

    I hope your new big brother isnt Justin. He sounded so promising!

  3. Angie wrote:

    No, the new brother isn’t Justin. Although, I still haven’t heard from him… so, yeah.

  4. Allison wrote:
