It’s BABSB2K7!!!

This is Bill on location in Iowa. We did a lot of fun things, and we’ve seen a lot of cool people. Bonus, we could have won pub quiz, but lost on the final question, AND I knew the answers to two questions. Here’s a song Ben and I wrote on the way here.

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who needs a hug?

I made a toy. It’s for my product design class. His head and arms can come off and if I ever make my other model I designed then you can switch their parts around.
He doesn’t have a name. Can someone name him for me?

Also, get ready for a post each day the next few days. ANNOYING! (PS- I beat Joel! First place in Shambot posting has been taken over!)

An interruption, if we may…

Makeover! on Vimeo

Not for sensitive ears

A work in progress.

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beer beer label label.

beer label
It’s old fashioned! Actually, I think they are actually conjoined twins…


I feel really bored, but I have so much work to do. It was a big mistake not taking an illustration class (as in a numbered one) this semester because it seems like I have no work to put in my portfolio. Hanging my merit show is going to suck; I have absolutely nothing worth putting up.

Here’s my attitude right now.

Best Game ever

So, in my attempts to figure out this weird ad that has been airing in all the movie theatres around here (the want2bsquare ad) I decided to go to their website. Which is It’s much less disturbing than the ad, but still intriguingly grotesque. The “game” lets you click around and explore these illustrated worlds, and gives you points for completing tasks that you figure out without much direction. I got 5 points for pulling someone’s finger nail off, and another 5 points for electrocuting a pig! Then I made a guy sneeze into a hole, and a chick barf into the same hole, then a mushroom grew out of it. I’ll let you figure out who sponsored the website.

I know both Joel and Peter have been learning flash recently, and I think it’s an awesome website to check out for their use of flash. Lindsey too, because the animation is much like hers. I think she has been secretly working on it.

Right now I have 185 points! This website is a huge inspiration too. It’s just one giant creative project, and it’s amazing to look at. I think you can actually redeem your points for prizes (something you have to register for), but right now I’m focusing on exploration. GO! NOW!

art attack!

I haven’t posted in a while. Not because I am lazy, but because I’ve been making what feels like an illegal amount of artwork. My drawing class for some reason turned into a painting class (which I’ve never had before), so teaching myself how to do figure/observational painting is taking a lot out of me. Not only because the painting is hard for me, but because the still lifes and homework assignments are boring and uninspired (it’s not 100% the teacher’s fault). Another problem is that half the kids in the class are idiots, but that’s a story for another day. In conclusion, being in that class is an insult to my intelligence. (more…)

Someone decided it’s winter now

Story time…

So as many of you already know, a co-worker of mine, Tanya, asked if I would house sit/ watch her dog for her. (more…)


I haven’t made anything worth posting lately. The assignments I’ve been getting aren’t really the kind of illustrating that I really like to do. I’m still making art, so I’m very thankful for that. Here’s an invitation I made for my Illustration in Products class:
It’s an invitation for a kid’s birthday party. It originally said ‘you’re invited’ on the front, but I changed so I could make it relevant for posting. Isn’t it just the most adorable robot you’ve ever seen? BARF.

I did a rather large (for me anyway) illustration for the Made @ MCAD show. It’s about 48” by 30”. I spent a whole weekend working on it and I really like it, so I’m hoping it gets accepted. I should have taken a picture to post here, but I totally forgot!!!

In other news, I’m getting a CT scan on Friday of my pelvis area to see what the William H. Macy is wrong with me. I’ve heard it’s comfy inside the scanner thing, maybe I can get some rest while I’m in there (my scan is scheduled for 6:45 AM!!) Wish me luck!(?)