
So to make up for the silly post yesterday, here’s an illustration:
I think We're All Connected
I don’t really have much to say about it. I was listening to Architecture in Helsinki and Clap Your Hands when I made it. Could they have affected my brain at a subconscious level? Maybe.

PS- I love graph paper and triplus markers. They are a match made in heaven.


I haven’t posted for a while, and this is kind of a throw-away post, but I just watched this video on youtube and I don’t know what to think of it:

It’s some hot, upcoming band from the UK, The Horrors. On one hand, the video is pretty cool, and the song is interesting. However, it’s just… weird. I think I want to like the band, but at the same time they seem like total poseurs! They definitely have an image and a style they’re going for, kind of like if Tim Burton decided he want to artificially create a band. Also, the video is directed by Chris Cunningham, and he’s cool…. right? Plus, there is an awesome part where the lead singer is crouched down next to the keyboardist, and screaming and pointing. I think that part is awesome.

50 posts!

Fifty Posts!
Yeah! It’s been a while since my first post back in August, but I finally made it to the big 5-0. I’ve decided to celebrate by posting a bunch of projects I’ve finished over the past few weeks. Let’s start with my Product Design final.

more product

As per request of Patrick, and also because I want to show them off, here are the shoes I designed and “made” for class.
A detail shot.Wow, shoes!

I would like to wear them, but since I dyed them with ink (they were originally all white) and drew on them with marker, I think the sweat from my feet would make the color bleed, and then I would be sad. Is there anything I could treat them with so that won’t happen?

welcome to playskool

There are some circuit bending workshops going on tomorrow morning at Intermedia Arts, so Ben, Joel and I are going! Ben and Joel already have experience bending of the circuits, but I have none. I hope it’s really fun.

To prepare for the event, Ben and I traveled to the amazing world of Savers. There were Dr. Huxtable sweaters as far as the eye could see, lovely china arrangments, and everything had a lovely stickiness to it, especially the children’s toy section, where we spent most of our time. See below:
guitarThe pianoTypingThe telephone


Welcome to Playskool. on Vimeo
Wish me luck at the next battle of the bands.

i’m so corporate…

I wish I could start off with a great announcement saying I won an incredible amount of money because of my illustration skills, but I can’t. Whether my abilities are optimal or not will forever be in question.

Here’s something I’m working on for class:
Our final for the product design class I’m in is to create a body of five products to go in our “line”. My fictional company is Criminal Skateboards, and my products feature weird characters and vibrant colors with a focus on design. Right now my color palette seems to be staying with greens and pinks with black and white as strong elements in the design. Patterning is also a strong part of my company’s aesthetic; from plaid to polkadots and argyle to graph paper. I have two decks designed and the shirt is done, but I still need to design the jacket, skateboard wheels, and lastly a pattern to go on Vans slip-ons (which I am for reals going to somehow transfer my design onto the shoes). My instructor, Lindsay, says that I should take this seriously and possibly create a small line of products to sell in local shops. She has a lot of contacts and knows where I can get t-shirts printed and even a place that will print my designs to be placed on skateboard decks. If all goes well you might be seeing someone skating on my decks. Hence the title of this post, I’m so corporate.

One more thing


Oh, right…

Okay, Ben and I just got back from a quick date at the Bad Waitress, and I’m no longer depressed/being a crybaby. A nice, greasy bacon cheeseburger and corn chips really got my endorphines back in gear. I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, I think I have a delicious food dependency.


The important reason why I’m writing another post tonight is this:
ATTENTION MCAD FRIENDS (and a slight possibility Iowa artists)!!!
The student curated exhibition proposal forms are due THIS Friday. Since I really want to organize an event, I’m going to… do… it. IMPORTANT: The proposal is due this Friday, and they (the gallery directors) mean business. They want a description of the event, the artists participating AND a detailed description of the work going into the show. Lastly, they want the pieces drawn out in the exhibition space (gallery 148). It’s going to be a crazy few days. I want everyone to participate (sorry Iowa artists, I’m not sure if you can be in the show. I can ask the directors and if they say it’s okay then I want you guys to think of something too), so please please please think of something you want to make! There’s a good chance that the show could happen at any time next year, so we might have a while to work things out, or possibly only a few weeks.

THE THEME: Personal, Outer Space
THE DESCRIPTION: The work, which can be any medium, will show/present how personal space can affect, or be affected by, outside forces. I want to keep the show a little abstract, so think far outside the box. Also, it doesn’t necessarily have to be outer-space, but if that’s what the artist wants to explain, then so be it!

I know for sure I want Allison to do a sweet photo project, a series of 4-6 maybe? I want Ben to do a super cool experimental film. I know Joel can do something totally awesome with his programming skillz, so I want him too. For us in the design department, it gets kind of hard because we have such an open playing field. Maybe someone could come up with a fictional machine that would change the world? I really want to have some kind of sculptural object, so I might work on something like that.

We don’t have much time! Email me ASAP with ideas, no matter what they are. I really want this to happen. Be as descriptive as possible with your ideas too, I don’t want to lose out because of some silly little flaw. What is the medium/material, size, and a brief concept description. Brainstorm!


I’m depressed, here’s a drawing.

Do you need business?

I have business, do you need it? I have a card, here it is.

They are printed and ready to be shared. If you want one I can send it to you! Joel and Lindsey recommended, and now I agree. It was fast, easy, and… cheap? It was fun to design, maybe I will open a business card making business.