Okay, Ben and I just got back from a quick date at the Bad Waitress, and I’m no longer depressed/being a crybaby. A nice, greasy bacon cheeseburger and corn chips really got my endorphines back in gear. I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, I think I have a delicious food dependency.
The important reason why I’m writing another post tonight is this:
ATTENTION MCAD FRIENDS (and a slight possibility Iowa artists)!!!
The student curated exhibition proposal forms are due THIS Friday. Since I really want to organize an event, I’m going to… do… it. IMPORTANT: The proposal is due this Friday, and they (the gallery directors) mean business. They want a description of the event, the artists participating AND a detailed description of the work going into the show. Lastly, they want the pieces drawn out in the exhibition space (gallery 148). It’s going to be a crazy few days. I want everyone to participate (sorry Iowa artists, I’m not sure if you can be in the show. I can ask the directors and if they say it’s okay then I want you guys to think of something too), so please please please think of something you want to make! There’s a good chance that the show could happen at any time next year, so we might have a while to work things out, or possibly only a few weeks.
THE THEME: Personal, Outer Space
THE DESCRIPTION: The work, which can be any medium, will show/present how personal space can affect, or be affected by, outside forces. I want to keep the show a little abstract, so think far outside the box. Also, it doesn’t necessarily have to be outer-space, but if that’s what the artist wants to explain, then so be it!
I know for sure I want Allison to do a sweet photo project, a series of 4-6 maybe? I want Ben to do a super cool experimental film. I know Joel can do something totally awesome with his programming skillz, so I want him too. For us in the design department, it gets kind of hard because we have such an open playing field. Maybe someone could come up with a fictional machine that would change the world? I really want to have some kind of sculptural object, so I might work on something like that.
We don’t have much time! Email me ASAP with ideas, no matter what they are. I really want this to happen. Be as descriptive as possible with your ideas too, I don’t want to lose out because of some silly little flaw. What is the medium/material, size, and a brief concept description. Brainstorm!