beautiful day

It’s such a nice day! To celebrate, I’m hanging out inside drawing stuff. The second session of SES has just started and I’m trying to stay away from campus as much as possible, but I don’t think I’ll be able to hold out for very long. Ben, Joel, Evan, and Emma are all TA’s, which means I won’t be able to see them during most of the afternoons the next two weeks. Alli and I will get to hang out a lot though, as we are both RA’s this session. Yay!

We went bowling yesterday with the students. It was pretty fun, and I bowled a 125! Anything over 100 is a amazing to me. Anyway, here are a few fun sketchbook/drawing things. In order they are:
1. A doodle
2. An illustration for a class. We had to create an image that would go along with a review for a restaraunt. I picked Solera.
3. Another doodle, that turned into a drawing.

Oops.SoleraA Man and a Tree

Diamond Lung?

Well, this summer is moving. At a slow or fast pace I am not sure, but it is indeed moving. The first session of SES is nearing it’s end and to me it feels as if it is sputtering to a halt. I’ve been having a decent amount of fun being an RA, the kids are smartasses but I think it’s to be expected. Sleeping in a dorm again is kind of upsetting, especially sharing it with two other guys who I’ve never seen before; I’m back in my freshmen year at MCAD. There have been plenty of awkward moments and conversations, no one is cleaning up after themselves, and all of us sneak out without saying bye to eachother. It’s nostalgic, but in a bad way. Is there a word for that?

My summer classes are going well I guess. Except I’ve been slacking on the assignments and not finishing them completely in time for class. It’s something that I’ve never really done before so I’m kind of hating myself for being so lazy. I have plenty of time inbetween to do the work, but for some reason I always end up scrambing to get it done the day before it’s due.

Here’s an illustration that I did during class when we were supposed to be doing our homework. It’s gouache, which I’ve never used before. I think it turned out pretty well. I like how it’s as opaque as acrylic but it glides on to the paper. It made me question why I’ve been using acrylic all these years…
Diamond Lung

No. 60

Hey I haven’t made a reasonable post in a while! I’m also not going to make one now, hooray!
Here is one of the other illustrations about caffeine. Did you know it stimulates the central nervous system and gives you more physical energy? Of course you did! I really didn’t read into the article at all to find any amazing facts about caffeine, so that is why I think this illustration is stupid.
More Caffeine

suspicious activity

Hooray for caffeine

Caffeine on the Brain
Week two of my Food Illustration class. Today we read an article from National Geographic about the effects of caffeine on the body. An interesting article, but not much new information. We had to choose three facts and illustrate them, and the pieces had to be either all positive or negative. I chose positive, even though I do believe it can be bad for you. I just really wanted to do a drawing like this. I’m such an illustration poseur!

In stores now

Guess what’s on sale at Design Collective!

In the Attic

Here’s a song. It’s short, sweet, and to the point. The guitar and drums are live recordings from our attic (hence the name of this post, and the song) and I did my best to keep the rhythm. The keyboard was added later. Also the ending is stuuuupid! Ignore that part.

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Cue dramatic music

Well, I made a commitment. Hopefully I can stick with this and make something of it.
criminal skateboards

quick post

We’re finally back from the traveling (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa), and it was a great deal of fun. I really enjoy being in Iowa, everyone there is so friendly. I had a very short dream on the drive back to Minneapolis, this was all I remember.
Hands in the Grass


The final panel from a mini-comic. Originally I catch Ben. However, he is much stronger than I am, therefore this makes much more sense.