
What’s this?!
What? YEUCK!

havin’ some fun

I’ve been takin’ it slow lately and procrastinating most of the day. I spent a good portion at school this afternoon working on a few things but not finishing anything. I have to say, I enjoy drawing a lot. I absolutely love to sit and draw things from my imagination and things I see around me. However, some days I just can’t draw. For some reason the synapses in my brain don’t fire correctly and my hand seems to be off a bit. Now, when I can’t draw it’s not like, ‘oh, I can’t beat this part of a videogame, I’ll try later’ or ‘oh, I can’t solve this problem, I’ll figure it out eventually and work on something else in the mean time’, it ends up being a “HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?” situation. The event, profane as it may be, is not uncommon to me and most of the time erupts in my mind and I just have to rest my forehead upon my arms and try to relax. Other times, the incredibly awful feeling boils through my veins, forcing me to throw, smash, rip of scribble on whatever is in my hand. Luckily, I’m usually a non-violent person. Usually. There are plenty bent notebooks, ripped drawings, and broken pencils (and hearts) that clutter my workspace (and my mind) throughout the year. But I get through it. Drawing is tough, making art is tough in general. I’m sure a lot of people think we artists get off easy (obviously not on this blog) and breeze through school. For me it’s a constant struggle of figuring out how to get things done, how to get better and faster, and most importantly how to keep my brain thinking of new, creative images and ideas. It’s difficult, but getting away from the pressure of homework is necessary. And how do I do that? By drawing more of course!
Havin' some fun
I’m trying to improve my adobe illustrator skills, shapes and gradients and such. I want to become as good or BETTER than Chris Hajny (Lindsey Nohl’s bf) in illustrator. I smell a challenge.

What I did today (yesterday)

What I did today!


Because I’m a little sick of seeing the same thing on Shambot everyday for the past while I am making a post. AND YOU SHOULD TOO! I haven’t read/heard anything from you guys in a long time and it’s always nice to see something new on Shambot. I just like to hear what you guys are up to or what you’ve been doing lately.

I’ve been trying to relax before classes start up again. Which is, oh wait, tomorrow. I’m taking Graphic Design 2, Editorial Illustration, and Professional Practice. Also a liberal arts class that is about something or another. I’m am VERY nervous for all of these classes. Graphic Design is something I can do, but not something I’m particularly skilled in. You have to be intelligent and very creative to do editorial illustrations, summing up an entire article in one image. Difficulty- very high. Professional Practice is just something that I’m not really looking forward too.

Here is some art. The first two are possible t-shirt designs. The second two are illustrations I did for fun, and possibly for the art sale.
another criminal design.A criminal t-shirt design.A gaudy illustration.Portrait of Masculinity

Eating and Dancing

A garage band song accompanied by a video.

Eating Song from billbill and Vimeo.

A grandma!

Tomorrow is the last day of my food illustration class. I waited until earlier today to start the final and here is 1 of 2 that are supposed to be done by tomorrow. I think we might have time in class to finish up, but since I haven’t even started the second one, trouble is sure to arise. Anyway, here is my grandma drawing:
Long Life
Our homework is to illustrate how in these certain areas of the world people tend to have a longer life expectancy due to their lifestyle. I chose Okinawa, as you can see by my stereotypical sun rising there. The woman’s shadow is supposed to be a metaphor for her long life and it’s also about family and roots and things. She’s also kind of standing on/hovering over water, and I think water is supposed to represent eternity?

PS- I don’t know why the folding screen doesn’t have a shadow. I’m not really sure if I like it in the first place; the frames of the screens feel like the only structured elements in the piece.


So, I finally got around to getting the back of the postcard done. Thank you to Joel and Evan who assisted in the production of the back of the postcard. I think this might be before I made a few final touches, but this is pretty much how it looks:
postcard back

In other news, Ben and I have been in Iowa for the past couple days. It was nice to get away from the city for a while and get my mind off a few things. I also had the honor of watching Flight of the Conchords on HBO thanks to a wonderful thing called ‘On Demand’. However, work snuck up on me while I was away and ended up doing a few things for DGinventive, and also fixing up a t-shirt design I’ve been working on. We also were far away from the disaster that struck the bridge in Minneapolis. I didn’t find out until my brother, who is in California, called me and told me it was good to hear that I wasn’t underwater at the moment. I proceded to have a mini-freak out moment and I had to call my mom and also Joel who told me that everyone was accounted for. Thank goodness. I have had nightmares in the past about disasters such as this (my dream of the future that I’ve told a few people about), and this isn’t going to help my already paranoid lifestyle.

Well, were playing Guitar Hero, so… I’m gonna go do that.

POS (personal outer space) EDIT

Thanks for all the comments and discussion! It was the best online critique I’ve ever participated in. Evan took what I had and made many amazing improvements. Then I made a few tiny changes, and here we are! Any feedback or comments? I think we have a winner here. Now for the unveiling:
The design!
Ugh, I didn’t realize the acronym until Ben mentioned it. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I hope no one goes around calling it the POS show, I would seriously feel awful. At least our postcards won’t be POS.

I’m not sure what to go with here. If anyone has any input, please feel free. I’m thinking the last one is the best, but if anyone feels there is a better way to approach the design, let me know. We can go in a totally different direction.

Option 1Option 2Option 3
The third one sections off areas and makes different spaces. So maybe that’s the best one?

PS- I’m not exactly sure what’s going on with Shambot right now, but I know for sure Joel is on the case!

absolutely fucking amazing

Not only are they on Vimeo (which everyone on Shambot should join), but they give impromptu performances. Just make sure to keep watching it gets good. Check out their music video on their account as well (helsinkids).

Take Away Show #58 – Architecture in Helsinki – Like it or not from Chryde and Vimeo.

fill in the blank

I’m still hangin’ in there…

…in life, that is.

Nothing much has been going on lately. Still being an RA, still not making a good example in front of the kids, still not a superhero. But I digress…

This is going to sound like I’m being a total showboat, but I’ve been getting a lot of freelance projects lately. After that whiny-baby post I made several months ago about how no one will hire me, it’s happened. How come? I cannot tell you. The place I interned for, DGinventive, wants me to design a party invite. I just started doing the sketches, and the final will be due within the month. Someone who is a representative for Target (I think?) just contacted me to do some illustrations as well. If I do end up getting this, it will be my first, 100% professional freelance job. I’ll get payed and everything. I’m really excited but also extremely nervous. That will be due in mid-August. I’m also working on more t-shirt designs for Martin, Ben and Steven’s friend (and possibly other shambotters’ friend). On a quick sidenote, the ‘secrets of the city life’ shirts are on sale at Design Collective! I saw them today and almost cried. I swear once I see someone wearing that shirt I’ll be the happiest person alive. Here is a link to BlueScrn Apparel.

Lastly, here is a drawing from my food illustration class. We’re working on packaging design for candy or tea. I’m doing candy. I think this drawing might be on the packaging, but… it doesn’t really fit. So, here’s where the title of this post makes sense:
***Comment what you think the square the boy is holding should say! I couldn’t think of anything funny, so maybe someone else can?
What does it say?