this one’s for you, ben thompson.


I mentioned a hooded penguin towel one night at D&D, and ever since Ben has been obsessed. We finally got some in today at work, and I guess the feathered friend featured on the towel is not a penguin, but a chicken. How sad. WELL BEN, I decided to do some research for you, and here are some PRIME penguin hooded towels:

here and

you gotta fight for your right

Thanks to everyone who attended joel’s super secret surprise going away party! Photos from my camera from that fateful night live here. Bill had some pictures, too, but you’ll have to talk to him about those

the after party

Alli took me with her to the Iveys, which was very nice. I had a good time, as made evident by this well crafted video done by moi. The after party was in the IDS building, which was surreal because I used to go there every morning for coffee while I was at YWFT.

(p.s. don’t you love this little whistling song? I found it on my itunes listed as “Track 5″. I don’t know what it is.)

mah postcards. i haz them.


I got new postcards! The old bunny ones ran out and I also found out that maybe you can’t send rounded corners through the mail. I’ll make a mental note of that one (oops.)

WHO WANTS ONE!??!?! (p.s. everyone lookit the new shambot logo! Joel’s makin’ it purdy!)

i have seen the future

and it is flat faced Japanese kitties that have their own blog:


I put this on my blog, but I think shamboteers will love it best. It’s a cutey patootey animation with RECORDERS as the soundtrack. RECORDERS.

You gots to click on it, because everytime I try to embed a youtube video I break shambot.

requin requin you are delicious


Originally uploaded by emma_brown

I wonder what the french word for delicious is. Even though I have all of the internats at my fingertips, I think I will just be content with not knowing the answer.

Anywho, I have decided to become basically Alli’s doppleganger by (1) getting my own blog and (2) going to Stillwater because I was bummed about another trip I had wanted to take this summer getting canceled. ALLI, WATCH OUT. SOON I WILL BECOME SOMEONE’S ASSISTANT AND WORK MY WAY UP.

jk. the really exciting news that i have is (1) candy sharks are not really that delicious and (2) I totally had a weekend gig at FALLON this weekend!!!! This is a huge deal for me, as I have never ever worked at anywhere so fancy before in my life. They took up the WHOLE 24th & 25th floor. There were like 3 different fancy coffee machines AND a free soda fountain. Also I worked there for 22 hours over the course of two days and almost died of exhaustion, but WHO CARES?!?! Hopefully soon you guys will see the fruits of my labor, but until it’s made available to the public I’m too nervous about breakin’ the law to say anything about it.

but forreals. thigns are really coming together for all the shamboteers! I think it’s time for a big fat pat on the back. Although none for joel or bill because they already did that in the form of SWEET SHOES. i hate you guys.


splogs (speaking of blogs)


Originally uploaded by emma_brown

first of all. for those who have not seen it, I got Fit CS2!! Let us hope that CS3 is never something that has to happen. Unless I am buying it. Because I am rich. My car is so frickin’ cute.

So I was thinking about Alli’s blog and blogs in general and i realized that a good 80% of shamboteers probably read blogs other than Shambot (GASP). Do you? Please let me know, I’m on the lookout for good blogs. In return, here are some I read:

Krisatomic’s blog. British illustrator who also has a knack for photography and a very good eye for fashion. I kind of want to be her?

liebemarlene vintage More fashion oriented, this is another supercute girl who I want to be. She has an etsy vintage shop, which is partly what the blog is about, but it’s also got inspiration and what she’s wearing.

simply breakfast this one makes me hungry everytime I point my broswer in its direction. ITS JUST BREAKFAST PICTURES.

door sixteen renovation, lots of sweet furniture, and PUPPIES.

so tell me. what do you read?


it has finally been realized: my Open-Type font has gone live on the YWFT website! If you are ever in need of this quirky, funtimey typeface you can buy it for the low low price of $24.95! Even if you don’t want to buy it, you should check out the product page for the hilarious first line of the description and the awesome showings my previous coworkers did for it. Also, just so you know, you can buy 12 prints for cheap celebrating the 6th anniversary of YWFT. It features work by the likes of Genevieve Gauckler, Mike Perry, and ME. HOW COOL!!!


I thought you guys might like to see pictures of my car in its destitute state among the other tots cars. Also, for fun, there is a picture of Genencor in my bandana. FOR HAPPIER FEELINGS.

There’s a few more up on my flickr, along with images from the same day that Chance wrote about recently. FASCINATING.

p.s.edit: Last night I watched the first episode of project runway and, perdictably, I liked this one and this one. DON’T LOOK IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED IT YET!!!