wild thang

Where the Wild Things Are

thanks to my lack of a full time job, I managed to catch the trailer for Spike Jonze’s film adaptation of Where The Wild Things Are on… of all things… the Ellen Degeneres show? She’s awesome, no doubt, but it really caught me by surprise! Either way, I will be sad if this movie doesn’t make me cry from start to finish like the trailer made me want to. Once the it hits the web you should all watch it, it gave me goosebumps for realsies! HERE IT IS OKAY GO WATCH IT NOWWWWW

To tide you over while the hackerz are doing their business, here is an early animation test, film stills, and (in honor of Lady Degeneres), Dennis Quaid making a fool of himself… DENNIS QUAID IS HERE.

cute animals rule the internat

you guys probably already know about zooborns already, but if you don’t, it’s time you go. There is a baby anteater. Frick that thing is adorable. Pictured above, of course, is a baby tawny frogmouth. Obviously this is the best kind of frogmouth.



Originally uploaded by emma_brown

my car hates me now, but I just couldn’t help it, after the new snow and a few weeks of watching Ranma 1/2 with the boys.



This is the art director of the film Coraline, which I am so nerdily excited to see. In the meantime, thought, they are posting some really great little (almost This American Life-esque) featurettes on the staff of Coraline over on youtube. My favorites involve the tiny hair lady, tiny sweater lady, and the guy who really loves to animate lady puppets.

p.s. have you noticed shambot gets updated in SPURTS now? I have.

secrets secrets are no fun


With eager anticipation I’ve been awaiting the season premier of everyone’s favorite confusing show, LOST. Whenever the show takes a break I generally go through this cycle: sadness, sayid withdrawel, and then i forget all about it. UNTIL, THAT IS, I catch a rerun on the telly, and then I’m off into Lostobsession again.

I know a few Shamboteers love this show like I do, which is why I now point you to this interesting article from the New York Times about Lost’s script coordinator. This guy keeps a giant word document with every single detail about Lost and has to keep up with the show CONSTANTLY. How frickin’ difficult CAN YOU IMAGINE IT WOULD BE.

p.s. Sorry Chance, you can write a post about Doctor Who or something.


DTW’s Psychedelic Tunnel! from Emma Brown on Vimeo.

I finally got a decent video of DTW’s Psychedelic Tunnel! This thing is legend among the Trithart family. I know that it makes no sense, and that it really shouldn’t exist, but it does and it’s AMAZING. Next time you fly through detroit, make sure you make the pilgrimage between Concourse B and A. It’s worth it, i promise.

future halloween costume?

sorry guys, no exciting news about my life or the world – just an observation that our very own ben thompson kind of adorably reminds me of charlie brown. did we already know this? am I behind on the charlie thompson/ben brown wagon?


As you may know, the charming William Ferenc and myself made a pilgrimage across the lake to our home state of Michigan. Doing this by plane, Mr. Ferenc and myself found ourselves a tad bored during the “no personal electronics” segment of the trip. Well, all this changed once we got our little mitts upon SkyMall. I know, I know, you are sitting on your computer reading this post thinking to yourself “Oh how I wish I had experienced Skymall with Emma and Bill. But alas, that is impossible.”

WELL JUST WAIT, MY FRIEND. IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Bill and I hand picked our favorite SkyMall finds, and now I am bringing them to you. It’ll be just like you’re sitting next to us on Flight 741! So, without any further ado, here we go. (you’ll have to excuse the quality of the scans, our scanner does not like things that aren’t lineart)



Originally uploaded by emma_brown

this was what happened when i woke up on friday.

miss white in the hall with the crown molding

(I tots posted this on my other blog, but i thought you guys should see this)

I came across this article in the Times. It’s kind of like a real version The Westing Game or Clue… without the whole “dead guy’s will” thing. Basically a rich family hired an architecture firm to redo the interior of their apartment, but the designer didn’t just redo their interior. He put a giant, complicated puzzle literally into the woodwork. How weird would that be to come home and be like “hey honey, how was work? mm, yes, good. well, how about we go solve the next leg of the puzzle? I think there might be a clue in the kitchen cupboards.”


p.s. J.J. already has the rights to the movie