UFO = Angie

So, I am really excited to tell you guys this!! It’s kind of my only “successful” art post, ever and to come. My poster is going to be in the UFO show!!!! I was one of the 6 from my class!!! That’s just CRAZY! As I’m sure you guys know, I have been really struggling with my studio classes, since, well, I’m not very good. But this is re-assuring! I don’t really think this is all that amazing, but it fulfilled the requirements better than some of the other ones, which I think played a big part in selection. And, just so everyone knows, I get to thank katie for her brilliant assistance.


Comments (3) left to “UFO = Angie”

  1. Emma wrote:

    Dude, i wish that was real. It’s not, is it? I want Stephen Hawking as a curator!!!

  2. Evan wrote:

    rooobo-o-ot v-oic-e. (i dont hate you)

  3. Allison wrote:

    Ummm, I dont want to be a shit-face…? But theres a typo dear. Curated is not spelt with two “r”s… right? Anyone else? GAH IM SORRY!

    I love the UFO font though, lovely.