brother from another mother?
I just saw There Will Be Blood (beeteedoubleyou, FANTAAAASTIC) tonight. We just got back from the theater, and instead of cleaning up all the boxes I’ve littered about the apartment, or cleaning, or doing artwork for crazy insane projects that are popping up, I HAVE TO DO THIS:
Emma Barnum wrote:
FANTASTIC. Now he has to grow a real one for keepsies
Posted on 08-Jan-08 at 12:30 am | Permalink
Steven wrote:
Down here in IC we were getting a group viewing together, only to find out it’s now out here. Disappointing.
Posted on 08-Jan-08 at 10:07 am | Permalink
Tim wrote:
I am indeed a scary scary man-munsta.
Also, I love dinosaurs so much, I put crude oil in ma tea pot, so that it takes extra extra dino-ey.
Posted on 10-Jan-08 at 3:38 pm | Permalink