By the way….

I just read Shambot after a little hiatus, as my poor little laptop was at the doctor, getting fixed. (there is an apple a day joke in there somewhere, I just know it. But I can’t get there yet, as I just woke up.)

Anyhow, I was going to comment on a bunch of your individual posts, but instead, consider this entry one overarching comment.

I miss you guys SO MUCH. SO, SO much because you are my bestest ones and I love your faces to pieces. I’m telling you, the tiny purses almost pushed me over the edge.
Hearts, rainbows, ponies, and myself barfing in my mouth a bit because this is a sappy post obviously brought on by my mother forcing me to attend P.S I Love You with her yesterday, and therefore slightly destroying my cynical sarcasm gene (but don’t worry, it was very much still active in the theater),


p.s. I love you.

(I definitely just wrote this post so I could throw that gem in.)

Comments (1) left to “By the way….”

  1. Emma wrote:

    Ohhhh the hilarity!! I’m imagining that movie was mostly “let’s dance and not care if anyone watches!!!” and “let’s learn to love again!” and “oh quirky girlfriends having fun together!”