things in my life of note.
so i guess i just had a major crisis (my digital illustration homework decided it was corrupted and would not open) that was minorly solved (brought in an awful pixely .png version and traced over it in illustrator)? I mean, it looks pretty much the same, but when something that took you over an hour takes you a half hour to recreate, it’s kind of disconcerting. Also I am tired and still upset about file corruption, EVEN THOUGH TECHNICALLY I STILL HAVE THE HOMEWORK I NEED TO TURN IN TOMORROW? Why am I so lame.
I’m thinking for the art sale: monster cards! Monsters saying get well, monsters saying happy birthday, monsters holding a sandwich saying “for you”. The latter was the inspiration for this idea. Maybe it would be better if all the cards were celebrating random events? MAYBE. And I’ll sell the original prints, too. And they will sell just as well as all my junk did last year, which is not very good. Once I have marketable skills (like sewing or bookmaking) maybe I will make the doughs. Here is a monster I drew once (it’s supposed to be me drinking red berry iced tea, which is my one true lurv):

I’m still upset! I don’t even know WHY I am upset! It’s just upsetting. Files being corrupted are like ice creams being dropped. Maybe you get a new cone, but you still dropped the other one.
This week marks the beginning of Emma Works Less But Maybe Gets Paid More (Maybe). I like this plan. I also get a name tag that (GASP) has my own name, rather than “Usher” on it. This is a new thing and now maybe smarmy fathers who think they are so funny won’t go “Usher? Wow, what a coincidence that your mom named you that!” or “I love your music.” You are. so. funny, sir. No one has ever told me that.