Because Maggie asked for it!

More from Japan!

Today was possibly the worst day yet on the trains. I told you earlier of the people pushers, well they were always there but didn’t have to be used until today. My hand was literally sandwiched between two salarymen’s asses. Somehow when everyone pushed in it got stuck there and I was unable to move it because it was also holding my bag. I got off my train early and took a much less crowded line (but had to wait like 15 minutes for that train). Consequently I was late to class. POOPLEBERRIES! Then later when I was coming home the train was not crowded at all and I was able to get a seat! However, the salaryman next to me fell asleep on my shoulder. That means I shared what would normally be considered an intimate moment with 3 random salarymen. Thus is the commuter’s life.

I have started my classes and it seems like Japanese here will actually be really hard. There are vocab quizzes everyday, which cover 40 words! There is a test like every two weeks. I dunno it’s strange. Also I don’t remember if I already wrote this but I have 3 classes tomorrow, but two of them are 2 periods long, and at 1.5 hours per period that equals 7 hours of class with 3.5 hours of them being lecture, and the profs here are really worried about their english so they usually just read their powerpoints! AGUH! sooooooooo booring. Most people email on their cell phone during class.

 In bad news, I learned that the film special topic class I registered to take next semester changed from Film Noir to Sci-Fi! It goes from B.A. to Nerd central! I am very sad. I might switch classes now. We’ll see.

Anyways, Let’s learn Japanese! Stuff I bought this week edition-

Ketaidenwa- Cell phone. It was free with the plan, bilingual, and yes it does have more features than my american phone. ¥0

Jitensha- Bicycle. I only paid for 1/4 of this, my host family paid the rest, because the dad wants to use it after I leave. It is bright red, has a light, a lock built in, and I LUVS it! ¥8000 (2000 to me!)

Kyokasho- Textbook. I only bought 1 textbook, but I think I have to buy another one, but I couldn’t find it in the book store. ¥2400

Comments (1) left to “Because Maggie asked for it!”

  1. Maggie wrote:

    YAY!!! Thanks Pattie!