Chicago, NY
Hey ya’ll! Next weekend I’m flying to Chicago! My parents are flying there to visit my Aunt and Uncle and they said I should come, too. Being the good son I am I said that if they would pay, I would go! And here we are.
Then, the weekend after that Bill and I are flying to New York City for a week. I’m interviewing with studios out there and checking out possible places to move while Bill talks to peeps and more or less does the same thing.
In the meantime, I’ll be hangin’ out and working at Space150 (which is a pretty rockin place).

Emma wrote:
Posted on 28-Jul-08 at 10:44 am | Permalink
Allison wrote:
Brooklyn! You gotta live in Brooklyn. Because I DOUBT living in Manhattan is gonna happen for just a-one swinging dude.
I like the rainbow-lines.
Posted on 28-Jul-08 at 1:49 pm | Permalink