
As you may know, the charming William Ferenc and myself made a pilgrimage across the lake to our home state of Michigan. Doing this by plane, Mr. Ferenc and myself found ourselves a tad bored during the “no personal electronics” segment of the trip. Well, all this changed once we got our little mitts upon SkyMall. I know, I know, you are sitting on your computer reading this post thinking to yourself “Oh how I wish I had experienced Skymall with Emma and Bill. But alas, that is impossible.”

WELL JUST WAIT, MY FRIEND. IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Bill and I hand picked our favorite SkyMall finds, and now I am bringing them to you. It’ll be just like you’re sitting next to us on Flight 741! So, without any further ado, here we go. (you’ll have to excuse the quality of the scans, our scanner does not like things that aren’t lineart)

pictured above: the best of Skymall’s pillows that make you look stupid.

we loved the nuanced graphic design in this one. Note the ties to stop sign imagery, the clever word choices, and the placement of the graphics – RIGHT ON TOP OF THE THING ITS DESCRIBING. genius.

I paired these two because there seems to be some sort of cosmic connection between alien headpieces and babies made of stars.

So unfortunately the scan of this page does not do it justice. Yes, you can see Mr. Goddard’s paintings, but the real masterpiece of this item is the text. Here, a sampling of what SkyMall thinks about this ‘art': “Paintings depicting drunken grapes, gangster olives, dancing strawberries, and flaming dice have taken the conservative art world and turned it on its heel redefining art as we know it with a new definition and of course a punch line.”

I love “redefining with a new definition”. And it’s true, you know, all those conservative artists now see what they’re missing.



Comments (2) left to “Skybot”

  1. Chance wrote:

    This is my vote for Shambot post of the year.

    and my recaptcha for this was: “veiled research” …how mysterious.

  2. Katie wrote:

    Oh man, SO FUNNY. I second Chance’s nomination. Perhaps the prize can be a new scanner? Ours is sort of like old jeans that have huge holes in the ass so you can’t ever wear them out of the house, and you look really stupid wearing them at all because your butt’s peeking, but they are SO COMFY and OMG they still fit from high school! Am I right or am I right? I know.
    Also, a note: I have never EVER (not even once) turned off my electronics during a plane ride. That’s right. Cell phone, covertly worn Ipod, the whole shebang. Just call me badass.