Back at home…

I’m in Michigan. I was just going to be here for Thanksgiving, but I’m staying a bit longer. I don’t have a job, so… WHO CARES. A lot of things have changed since last time I was home, which was a year ago. My parents remodeled my room a bit, made it less like a 5th graders room. Hardwood floors and a fancy carpet are accompanying a fresh coat of blue paint and framed art on the walls. The basement is now equipped with a Samsung 50″ plasma screen TV (only 720p, LAME), a blueray player, and a surround sound system. Possibly a mid-life crisis is in the works. We also have a new fence around our backyard, and a newly paved driveway. My dad and uncles also finally convinced my grandpa to move out of his house. Here’s why:

The house my dad grew up in… from billbill on Vimeo.
You can probably stop watching once the music stops. This still needs to be edited down a bit. Also, sorry my camera is bad.

I snuck in today (the city owns it now) by myself. Luckily, someone had broken in recently, so one of the doors was open. Throughout the video I was screaming “HELLO?” and “If anyone is here, I’m just taking pictures!”. Also, “Feel free to stay as long as you like!” and “I’m almost done!” Needless to say it was rather scary, even if it was daytime. My dad grew up here, and he later moved in to the apartment upstairs when he and my mom got married about 30 years ago. It was unbelievable. My family’s past was collapsing and dissolving on itself. Pictures here. I wish Allison and her medium format camera were with me at the time. I’m sure there would have been much better documentation. Allison, if you want to fly over in the next few days, just give me a call.

Comments (5) left to “Back at home…”

  1. Emma wrote:

    SCARY. Did you make that music yourself?

    I like imagining you running around the house talking to the secret vagrants.

  2. Tim wrote:

    Spending summers on my grandparents farm as a kidling was a less scary experience to the one provided in the video. After working in the fields, my grandpa would be asleep by 9pm, while my grandmother would waitress until 2am. In this time, I’d just wonder the poorly lit house, the floorboards creaking underfoot with framed paintings of Jesus watching me as I turned any corner, of any hallway.

    Good times.

  3. Allison wrote:

    Bill, don’t tempt me. I would be out there in an hour if I had the money.

    Also, this is totally amazing. I feel like I’ve never known much about you or your family so it is nice to hear and see a little about your background. TELL ME MORE.

  4. Allison wrote:

    I actually just went and looked at flights for tomorrow… i am a loser.

  5. Bill wrote:

    Haha. I bet tickets were expensive! It’s always so bad from Minneapolis to Detroit. LAME.

    I don’t know how much longer the house will be standing, but if you ever want to plan a trip to Michigan to take pictures of a scary house, you’ll know where one is.

    After talking to my parents about my dad’s side of the family I’m starting to uncover past secrets! Turns out my family might not be as normal as it seems. I’ll tell you guys more when I’m back in the city.