Okay, only two really… An some text talky stuff. I think this is just a life update kind of thing.
<<< Dialogue with myself >>>
<<< Address Shambot as a single entity >>>
Kay! So. I’m leaching off of my parent’s Netflix account so I can do the instant watching thing and I found this movie:
Honestly, how is that a movie.
This is part of what I did at work last week! I’m not sure if I put up in a public space who I’m doing it for (though some of you know) so the newsletter’s name has been REDACTED! But it was quite a rush to hit the send button and have a newsletter that potentially has all of my mistakes in it fly off to 74-some-thousand people. GULP!
By the way I got a job. So I’m totally a big shot now (just kidding). The company is called Reindeer – though I’m still unsure if it’s officially Reindeer Company, Reindeer Group or just plane ol’ Reindeer. In any case, it’s a small company, I think I’m the 11th employee. But that’s what I was looking for! A small company where I could really own what I do and do cool shit as well. So far I like it a lot
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Tim wrote:
Congrats buddy! How’s the BK2:NaB treating you?
Posted on 15-Dec-08 at 2:45 pm | Permalink
Joel wrote:
FUNNY STORY about Banjo. Well, maybe not funny, per say – but interesting. I was all ready to buy it for $40 when I read a blog online that told me Amazon was selling it for $26!! So I decided to save a few bucks and wait a few days, I have yet to get it.
To make up for it, I instead trekked down to GameStop and traded in Fable 2 for Gears of War 2. So far I’m happy with it. It’s nice to kill alien-things.
Posted on 15-Dec-08 at 2:55 pm | Permalink
Tim wrote:
I’m liking it too! Horde’s great fun. The dialog, as others have commented, is utterly awful, though.
“I heard there are like a shitload of grubs there!”
“More like 10 shitloads.”
Wow. That’s a lot.
Posted on 15-Dec-08 at 3:56 pm | Permalink
Emma wrote:
hahahaha. 10 shitloads.
Also, best blog post ending EVAR?!
Posted on 15-Dec-08 at 6:17 pm | Permalink
Joel wrote:
Emma: I wish that I could play that little diddly at will. It would probably be better than constant life-theme music.
Posted on 21-Dec-08 at 11:55 pm | Permalink