future halloween costume?

sorry guys, no exciting news about my life or the world – just an observation that our very own ben thompson kind of adorably reminds me of charlie brown. did we already know this? am I behind on the charlie thompson/ben brown wagon?

Comments (3) left to “future halloween costume?”

  1. pthompso wrote:

    Surprised no one has commented on this yet.

    As the father of this particular “round-headed kid” the resemblance never crossed my mind. But now that you point it out..

    I think very few people these days know about the darker humor of the earliest Peanuts strips. I couldnt get enough of them as a child in the sixties, but was embarrassed to be a fan by the time they started turning into pathetic daily pablum.

    When I look back at these early strips I am reminded of Calvin and Hobbes. Which was Ben’s formative comic as a child.

    here is the very first strip from 1950.


    and another early one.


  2. Alex wrote:

    Of all the Ben Thompsons in the world, you’re the Ben Thompson-ist.

  3. Alex wrote:

    …also, saw a great documentary on PBS about Charles Schultz a few weeks ago (on his b-day). It was really interesting, and I suggest keeping your eyes out for it. I think it was actually an episode of American Masters.