thoughty thoughts

So I really want to submit something to Comic Heads (mcad’s annual comic anthology) this year, since Elder Joel is putting it together and he’s trying really hard to get a big variety of submissions (i.e. less anime).

For awhile I had this story brewing in my head that invovled biking to the beach and a diagram, but that story might be scrapped because I just had an epiphany: six word stories. Hemingway, I guess, started it all with “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” To be honest, that is the only thing I will ever like from Hemingway. Ever. Anywho, they are always either funny or beautiful, so maybe I will do one or two or illustrate them as comics. Sigh.

OR I will get someone else to write me one or two. Does anyone have a good 6 word story they’d like to collaborate on with me? I know there’s one just brewing inside your head. Don’t even deny it. Six little words floating around like dead fish in a pond. Mm.
Oh man, I can’t wait for Halloween and the weekend after. I am excited to go to Iowa for the firstest time ever you guys. I am also excited to pet cats and dress up like Hermione. I’m excited about everything! I’m excited about life! I’m excited about the fact that I passed my junior review! I’m excited that it’s the weekend! I’m excited about .. um.. here’s some art! It’s a potential sketch for next year’s SES T-shirt! rock on.

Comments (4) left to “thoughty thoughts”

  1. Bill wrote:

    I really think we should collaberate on something. It would be way cool!

  2. Ben wrote:

    I’d wear that shirt!


  3. patrick wrote:

    I know this is not the point of your thing at all, but what’s wrong with Hemmingway?

  4. Joel wrote:

    Here’s my favorite from Wired magazine:

    Foolish humans,
    never escaped
    – Vernor Vinge

    I love these stories to much, they’re really cool. I would totally be up for a cooooolab.