wild thang
thanks to my lack of a full time job, I managed to catch the trailer for Spike Jonze’s film adaptation of Where The Wild Things Are on… of all things… the Ellen Degeneres show? She’s awesome, no doubt, but it really caught me by surprise! Either way, I will be sad if this movie doesn’t make me cry from start to finish like the trailer made me want to. Once the it hits the web you should all watch it, it gave me goosebumps for realsies! HERE IT IS OKAY GO WATCH IT NOWWWWW
To tide you over while the hackerz are doing their business, here is an early animation test, film stills, and (in honor of Lady Degeneres), Dennis Quaid making a fool of himself… DENNIS QUAID IS HERE.
Joel wrote:
WANT! Apparently they’ve got real costumes with CG faces which looks pretty good.
Posted on 26-Mar-09 at 8:29 am | Permalink